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You Are the only one responsible for Your SEO Loses

This message is a response to this post made by Gail –  GrowMap.com admin

I usually do not answer to messages concerning my investigation for the solely concern that I’m aware that my findings are making people loose money. However It is not at all my fault this admins decided to trick Google or other companies ,not playing by the rules. In fact this is the first time I answer to such message and I think is going to be the last, inviting everyone that criticize my methods to read it.

Bellow there are  two screenshots – messages I received.


Anyone interested in studying bible, here is the paragraph, Gail is referring to in his tweets:

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” – Genesis 12:1-3

When I spot a company or person that’s tricking the search engines there are 4 ways it reacts:

  1. Admits it’s guilt, take its loses and start doing the same thing again hopping will not be caught again
  2. Admits it’s guilt and start to rebuild from scratch doing things the right way
  3. Play the innocent guy and game saying he was not aware of breaking any terms
  4. Start blaming me or anyone else than themselves about the lose saying how we are the bad guys responsible for his loses.

Here is the full article: PageRank, Google, Continue to Kill Jobs, Small Business and Blogs #smallbiz

“recent Google ban of Guest Post Shop customers and sending me a link to a post on searchenginegeeks.wordpress.com which listed a guest post I published.I have never heard of that company, but I did publish the guest post by Anna Roberson: Top Three Competitive Analysis Tools to Fire Up Your Online Business named on that page.I encourage you to look at that post and decide for yourself whether it provides value to those who read it. I learned from it and I made the decision to publish it.”

I’m not going to play Google’s advocate role here mainly because is not needed and secondly because I don’t like taking sides.

What Gail refuse to understand is that he is the solely responsible for what is he posting on his website. Maybe he did not took any money for allowing guest posts on his blog but the company that was posting the article (GuestPost Shop in this particular case) do it. GrowMap.com is having a domain authority of 52 and GuestPostShop is charging more than $100 for writing a guest post on DOMAINS with authority up to 49, For those with Moz authority over 50 the price is not known publicly (source: http://guestpostshop.com/prices/)

Matt Cutt’s said many times that if you’re hosting guest posts on your blog you better nofollow the links which Gail clearly didn’t.

“Open Site Explorer is one of the four free tools which will enable you to check link popularity, and monitor existing backlinks. If you are trying to promote your website with the help of a guest <b>blog posting service</b>, you should definitely keep an eye on the links that you create.”

Working full time for as a SEO Journalist I have to read plenty of articles and blog posts daily to stay up to date with latest developments and news. I see it totally unnatural to link blog posting service in a post like this for any other purpose than getting a rich anchor do follow backlink.

I took some minutes to check your authors lists and saw that most of them have only one or two posts http://growmap.com/authors I think guest posting is more about inviting bloggers that are an authority in their field to your blog to reach a new audience.

In my opinion, anyone that wants to rank high on Google have to play by Google rules. You don’t like Google ?! No problem ban their bot and focus on Bing , Social Media, Local Marketing etc. There are a lot of bloggers that are not breaking the rules and ranking well. None said that’s easy but for sure is safe on long run.

So anyone that reads this post: Understand that you are the only one responsible for your SEO Strategy and stop putting the blame on others, faith, Google, Karma, evil, Yeti .



  1. Pingback: GuestPostShop Customers Are Penalized by Google | Search Engine Leaks - February 10, 2014

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